Seminar "The Secret to Writing A+ Essays" at SMA JAIM Al Ahmadi, Melaka.

Alhamdulillah. On the 19th and 20th of January 2013, I was invited to SMA JAIM Al Ahmadi, Sungai Udang, Melaka. It was great to meet the nice teachers and the wonderful students there. The sharing sessions during those two days went smoothly. On the 19th, I spent the whole day with the SPM candidates, and I was delighted as usual to see the students' response towards my lesson. On the next day, it was the PMR candidates turn. It was a half day meeting. SMA JAIM Al Ahmadi is a boys school, but there were a few girls from SMA Ehya Al Karim (a girls school), who participated in the seminar too. Thank you for inviting me, teachers.